Week 10

As written in the last week, I was expected to separate out the difference report into two different tabs. Meanwhile, My mentor reached to his office and was busy with some presentation. Since, We had the meet at very end of the week so we decided not to do a meet in this week. And Also, I again was on speed run and completed my task of popping out two reports separately by Monday itself.

Then , Guilherme was working for finding a way about how can we integrate the existing reports into jenkins and he told me not to worry much about the report integration, He would mostly take care of it and once done, I can play with the Cmake file and adjust the JS variables out of it.

Another scope of improvement was after forking my repo and looking at the site a little bit, he suggested me that, It would be more helpful for the developers to actually sort the existing table files based on the column values. So, I worked for that part as well and implemented the sort feature when you click on the Table Head cell. Also, I was expected to change the Title of the Site from Peformatic Visuals to Geant4 Performance Reports.

I did all my changes and pushed them back to the repository. Now was the time for Jenkins Integration for which I am waiting untill I get some further Instructions.

Here is the separated Pages and the reports it contains. I was again back at campus in order to get things back on track.

Raw Reports image

Difference Reports image