Week 7

Welcome to the Evaluation week my friend ! This week was a ride of thrills and overloads along with some sudden moments of surprises.

Cutting the clutter and starting with the slice of butter on my bread with Aloo matar (Indian Dish) let me get straight into the detials. Due to my awkward class timings we skipped the meet. There was not much information to be processed in the meet but anyhow, All which was to be focused was integrating the reports to the Jenkins and creating the Spider Plots.

The integration got me baffled and my mentor was spending his vacations so We settled at integration to jenkins at later stage into the project since we got all the deliverables working really well.

I was unable to define the co-ordinate geometry for the Spider-Plot untill my super powers of JavaScript and SVG got amplified while working for JavaScript projects everywhere into the world. By that I mean I am not the Zeus of JS (Read it as Rhyme), But my GSOC and C4GT project was all javaScript which is actually one of those languages which the communities rant about of which I am a underground spectator. Alright, Getting back to point, I was at good point in my life to understand what is going on into the code. So, I created really nice javaScript Co-ordinate Geometry functions and took the reference from Danny-Yang's Spider Plot. Also I made the brushing tool to work in both the dimensions which untill now was just X-Axis based. I actually wrote the working version of Spider Plot in my college library which is greately known as "The Central Library" Of SVNIT where lovers and coders and sleepy heads are found commonly.

I had classes starting straight from 8:30 AM upto 8 PM. With uncertain gaps in between. Frankly speaking my GSOC project is more kind of good and better project and it doesn't burn me out. On contary my C4GT is burning project tho. Not to be so rude about it, It burns me but my learning curve in both is kinda equal. And what else would you want if you learn so much in growth and speed as compared to your peers who only falls in the vicious loops of someone sharing the links to them. Self Exploration is the key to my work. If you think I am failing at my work then It is failure in your point of view. And If I am a learner for you then Self Exploration == Learner Quality.

I am simply passionate about working hard and doing things that don't even exists. I am still in search of a GSOC book (Take into account the time of my first commit into the repository). So, I made a really good progress with visualizing what world needs and not in what I can serve the world.

With a very busy Schedule I got my Evaluation Passed into the GSOC for my Mid-Term. Also, Recieved my Pay as well. And my friends had full plans to steal a party from me. :) Thanks to Lapinozz Friday Offer. They saved me to spend almost double amount. They give Buy One Get One Free on Friday. So, I was saved from going into my financial crisis. But, It makes everyone happy, My family and me atmost. I loved the week. I will also share the feedback from my mentor down below with the ScreenShots. I was very happy to hear the feedback. It feels good to work with them.


Maybe you might want to complain that image quality is not so good. But instead I would prefer try open in new tab option. This will allow you to read it clearly.

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