Week 3

This was most toughest week for me not in terms of GSOC but with multiple things coming over the head, I got insomniac throughout the week. It was not fun while working. Nevermind tho, from my experience I can tell that, there are always ups and down. Nothing much to worry about from it. We will soon recover things.

Let's not brag it more and get started. On Monday we as usual had a meet. Wherein we discussed the progress past week and then made few changes required. I got my very first GSOC PR merged into the repo where I have to mainly work. My mentor Guilherme Amadio helped in getting through the changes.

I had successfully mounted the geant4 on the CVMFS as stated last week. This week we tried running the jenkins script from the Geant4 hosted on CVMFS. Then the team needed the reports of Difference per function which I generated by hand and added it to reports. Main part was customizing the treemaps based on metric used for diving it in specific Area, Color or Tool-tip. It was implemented as well. But it considered many edge cases which were causing if else statements. But functionality comes first, And the performance of the software doesn't gets affected so it really doesn't matter. In future if we have time, We can think to make it more generic.

I also changed the colour all over the reports and treemaps to green white and red scheme which inititally was blue and red. It now improved it visually.

In the meeting, I had my screen shared and I was using https for my git clones and fork. So, I accidentally exposed my Github Token in a shared screen to my mentor. And he was like - "You are not supposed to show me this !! " So, He resorted back to me saying that I should use SSH for my forks and clones. So, I converted few of my repos to SSH clones. While working, I messed up with my repository. So, I was instructed and taught git commands in more clear and hands-on way. I did the required changes and cleared the mess.

All of a sudden perf got broke on my laptop for no reason. I cannot figure it out how it just happened. but it was still working fine with the sudo But it might mess up ahead in the repo. Anyways, I ran the jenkins report but it was way too heavy for my PC to handle. Around 44 Gigs were occupied what was weird for me. So, I got to know that perf is memory hungry. It is common. But a fix to this was generating only the e- electron reports and exclude others.

I was also expected to read an article on Top Down Micro-Archietecture Analysis but as I said, I had a rough week this time. My CodeForGovTech project's Mid Evaluation was on the head So I had to speed run this week as next week I will be busy with the marriage stuff (Luckily not mine). I travelled about 125 miles and did my treemap stuff in the bus itself. And got a no sleep week with about 2-3 hrs of sleep daily that too at irregular basis. Gave an Quiz to Flipkart Grid thing and attended Amazon School Program. It was all coming up together, I was about to quit few of it but luckily got things managed crazily and got done with my stuff in more better way. This was hectically a fun week. But yeah, I won't recommend following this any longer. It degraded my working performance. Anyways, as per tradition here is the ScreenShot to my this week's updates. And the link to the PR which got merged.

PRs : https://github.com/amadio/g4run/pull/1

ScreenShot :

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