Week 8

If you are my regular GSOC Book reader (Deep down I know no one is regular in reading my stuff tho :) ) then Firstly, I apologize for being late in writing my Week 8 Journey into the GSOC Book. I was a bit more occupied for the week. Without wasting any time, Let me get straight to the meeting discussion.

I had a very chaotic schedule and due to my absence of mind I mingled my GSOC and C4GT Meetings both at same time. Anyhow, I convinced the C4GT mentor to postpone the meet after my GSOC meet. Then Finally, I did my GSOC meet with Guilherme Amadio. We had a very normal talk about how's the days going for both of us. Shh ! I have a secret here. He used to be a Teaching Assistant at a University where my cousins study now (UoI), So, He had a perception that Classes are really an important part and they shouldn't be missed. But, I missed 4 classed (Not missed tho, Got Proxy XD). Alright, Then coming to main part of discussion, He was not at his office with his System so generating the new data was not possible. Because, After Scatter-Plot I was thinking to get the Sunnburst and quickly complete the Web part of my project and then jump to the jenkins integration. So, For this week, We had settled only for the Difference treeMap reports. There already existed the TreeMap report by him, I used the same and got integrated in my version with a little modifications. Meanwhile I also improved my old treeMaps a little bit.

Yeah, So that's it for this week. I really had a tough schedule going to classed and coming back and working for C4GT project and the GSOC project all at the same time. In between, I joined SSOC (Social Summer of Code) as a mentor and was very actively working in some of the project passing PR reviews and stuff like that. I came back home for the festivals and got myself settled for working more effectively so this too took my day. On the other hand, C4GT people came up with issues which seemed over ambitious at first sight but then when I got involved more and more I got to know that It isn't that hard.

Short and Sweet week tho. I promised some UI changes and Researching about using JSON files for Sunburst but I really missed on that part. But Now just after publishing this Week 8 Page I am working on the UI changes. So, In a sense that I got my work done, I haven't missed any deadline.

Hellll Noooo !!! :( I just realized while taking the ScreenShot that I have compeletely messed up with the difference dropdown selections. The diff treemaps are not rendering perfectly. I need to fix the thing real quick. Whew, Let me fix the rendering, And hope you enjoy your day !!

Here are diff-treeMaps ScreenShot
