Week 11

We had scheduled a meeting at very starting of the week on Tuesday. But, The schedule was very bad. My mentor has kids and the time was 10:30 PM for me and 7:00PM for him. So before this time he had to go to pick up the kids. So, We had scheduled it a bit late.

In the meet, I was facing audio issues and also his kids were waiting to play with him, So, Both of us were barely able to discuss from our end and had bad audio quality with a little sweet disturbance from the kids. However, On Mattermost I confirmed all the discussion topics in case I missed or misinterpreted anything.

So, The week was officially kept for preparing the presentation for the End of Program in GSOC. Since, My classes were running to beat Ussain Bolt and I was also involved into the CERN's Webfest, I got almost no time to continue the presentation. Even I was supposed to complete my blog into the HSF in this week. I am writing this page on Sunday 3AM. This is how badly I am doing with my time these days. Anyways. The presentation is remaining and I will be able to write it tomorrow that is Sunday. But I also need to complete the HSF blog and also CERNs WebFest Data Integration into the Site as I am the only one working technically. Other teammates are just ghosted out of nowhere.

Don't worry, This week is not the completion of my GSOC book. There will be proper closure of the book. But I got no progress this week into the GSOC things to which I can attach any pictures or so. Maybe I can share glimses of my CERN's WebFest site.


I know :) It looks the same but trust me. Functionality wise It will be a lot more different from what I currently have. It will allow user to upload the data and render it and other stuff If I can manage the time. Otherwise sharing my piece of code is not at all a big game I guess.