Week 5

I could not believe that I made it this far. I still remember the nights when I used to look after projects on Github or Gitlab and today I complete my 5 Weeks into GSOC. This week was fun and important in terms of work. Since, We had no meeting at the starting of the Week but my plan was already to work with Scatter Plots and I tried making them as good and interactive as I can.

Starting off the Week, I made a simple version of Scatter Plot using just the raw data. Then I tried adding brush for selection to it. And slowly I progressed with it by adding fields to it like Selection for X-Axis and Y-Axis then Radius and Colour of dots. Also, I had a tooltip which in upcoming weeks will be helpful for showing up the Spider-Plot for specific data point. Whole week I spent adding this functionalities so I don't really think there is a need to stretch up the content so much. But I would like to share some of my insights from my current learnings and life.

Since, I had a brush selection and a tooltip both together so I need to draw out some idea about how can I make it both available. So, I decided to create a selection button, Which on turning ON will result into the selection mode and in OFF state it would turn out to become a tooltip mode. Creating this was not the actual problem. But once I created the button, There was problem while holding the state of the scatter plot when the selection changes. What I mean is that If I use Selection mode and change the measure area for the plot and then if I choose to use tooltip mode then the whole Scatter plot gets updated when you change the state of the Switch. This was real problem which I faced. But, In the end, I found a correct place to clear off the plot area only when you turn it back on for the second time. Also, With this I invented another bug where two entries of same scatter plot were being created. So, I approached this using d3.selection and targeted the second entry and removed it from the DOM. Also, I would like to share that, My brush feature works on event selection which has changed a lot from v3 to v7 of D3.js So, I had gone through the changes made to d3's v7 since v5 and found a way out of it to make this more compatible with D3 v7 and ES6 ECMAScript syntax. It was good insight knowing about the features which got deprecated due to bad architecture and other new ones which were included due to changes into ECMA Script.

Well, other part of week I spent learning GraphQL because in C4GT my mentor thinks that they can easily reuse my project in generating the Hasura Engine present in other Gov-Tech projects. Currently, I was just working on the REST APIs. And thanks to the new requirements that I learned about GraphQL. This boosts my beliefs about accidental learning. I love learning like this. Another part is that, I started learning about FreeRTOS (by Amazon) and Embedded Systems in general because I want to know more about RISC-V processor and work with it as well. On the other hand, This week we got groups formed on Telegram and Discord Server for GSOC-22 participants. And knowing about other participants and their work is really insightfull and helpfull to learn. Then I mentored an Hackathon at a college from Gujarat University which was about 36 hrs.

Amidst the project and professionalism, I personally felt not so good due to some issues. I guess it's completely okay not to be panicked in such situations because you cannot expect everything to work the way you want to. Even if you keep adjusting and things turn out to be more demanding then there are chances you might get frustrated at times. But, make sure you already have a beautiful day gentleman if you can sleep atleast at peace. I can't and I hate myself for this. It gets even worse when someone doesn't value it much. But anyways, All I can do is hope that things will be on track someday maybe. If they aren't then I already have beautiful professional life of which I am greatful. Maybe it won't make any sense but this GSOC book is actually something which people would read only for initial 3-4 chapters and then leave it. I hardly believe anyone would ever bother to reach here. If you read whole book ! You owe so much of appreciation and Thankfullness from me.

Let's close the week by Adding the Screenshots to the scatter-plots made so far.

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